Last year I made a quick getaway to Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. I love having a stop-over holiday in Singapore (always lots to do) and another visit had been on my agenda for I had not ticked off all the boxes on my Singapore list. Jurong Bird Park was beckoning me.

It was just delightful. So was the butterfly garden. Totally amazing !!
It was just delightful. So was the butterfly garden. Totally amazing !!
The butterflies were there in the hundreds!! All fluttering away and real teasers too. I tell you it is very very hard to photograph them. It was a totally inspiring trip for me.
This work represents some of that inspiration.
This work represents some of that inspiration.
Wow! Wasn't doing that water fun? I'm jesting. All those small pieces, and I know what it's like... What size is the Two Flamingoes? I find it much more difficult doing smaller pieces than large ones. How about you? Very beautiful, Vijaya. Very nice shadowing techniques. Monarchs has beautiful color and Lily Pond- in the abstracted, angled background one can sense the the coolness, the natural growth and maybe even a bit of danger in what lies below. Great work!
Thank you for your kind words. Yes doing the water was relaxing like Zen meditation. I think I enjoy smaller pieces because they are easier to manage! The size of Two Flamingoes is 19inches x 29inches.
Great choice of topic and great artworks, loads of patience to collect each piece of paper, vijaya , hats off1
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