Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year 2012

One of my resolutions should be to keep up regularly with my blog posts.   There is a reason I haven't been doing this as well as I should have.   I find photographing my artwork difficult.  There is always a little glare on the photo or the colours dont seem exactly right or there is the problem with perspective and having to crop off all the edges to get an acceptable photo.  It always gets put in the too hard basket. But in the end, these are all excuses.  So this year, I resolve to be more regular with creating artwork and posting pictures.


Rizwana A.Mundewadi said...

A Very Happy new year to You Vijaya, and I hope u be true to u'r resolutions or I'wl be afetr u!

Rizwana A.Mundewadi said...

Great artworks and by time u'r art seems going up and up. All the Best I love the mermaid, too good....believing in fantasy I'm all with u

Vijaya said...

Thanks Riz.